

A time to come together and gather images,

talk about the creation of cards and how they can improve or help us in our daily lives.

     For a $25 donation you will receive unlimited images, mats and sleeves to create FOUR cards.


The SoulCollage® process was created by Seena B. Frost and is described in her book:

An Intuitive process for Individuals and Groups

The Transpersonal Cards

Source, SoulEssence and Witness

The Committee Suit

Inner parts of your Personality

The Community Suit

People and Pets in your life

The Companion Suit

Energetic Chakra Animal Guides

The Council Suit

The Archetypal Dimension 

~Peace unto you~

The SoulCollage® process and the creating of the different suits helps us connect to all parts of self. The process is positive, uplifting, encouraging and very supportive in bringing forth all that we are and all that we have been and all that we are awakening and reawakening.

Some people never distinguish among the suits of their SoulCollage® cards, and their cards are no less powerful, wise, or intuitively helpful than those cards that are sorted into suits.